Trend is Flatter More Agile Organizations

With my clients, I am seeing a trend for organizations to be flatter and more agile. Adapting to the quickly changing business environments is becoming ever more critical.

Have you looked at your organizational structure to make sure you can adapt better?

The company I helped grow to $13,000,000 in three years was set up this way to adapt.

In the beginning we were very vertical in nature. The job came in, the next person would work on the project and on down the line to delivery of the product.

A critical player move on and I realized very quickly we needed to be a flatter organization so the workflow would not be hindered.

I immediately began the transition to a more “account manager” structure where resources could be shifted as the needs arose.

We will all need to adapt to the changing world. Please see my Principle #4 in my free PDF giveaway outlining my 7 principle process of creating the ultimate automated sales funnel….

Be sure to take advantage of my offer for a complimentary 15-minute session to help you with a struggle or sales improvement need.

Be sure to check out my “Goldmining in the Commercial Construction Sub-Vendor Business” Workbook and 7 Principles…

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