Best Marketing Advice I’ve Ever Received!

In this video I discuss an ah-ha marketing advice moment in early in my career that changed the way I looked at sales and marketing.

Many years ago I attended a marketing seminar put on by a self-made marketing guru and entrepreneur. I have to admit, this was a seminar I reluctantly attended. If you are like me, I used to look at these invitations to these things as a nuisance, and not an opportunity.

So, as a favor to a friend, I attended the half-day seminar with him.

After 5 minutes into the day, I knew it was well worth my time.

You see, I received a lesson that I have never forgotten. Something so simple, so valuable, that it has served me faithfully for my business and my client’s businesses for all these years.

And it is something we overlook every day when we put together a new marketing campaign. It’s also something we overlook when we are developing our marketing plans.

Is it a slogan?


How about a tagline?


A feature?

No way.

It’s got to be a benefit, right?

Sort of.

You see, most of us know about the difference in features and benefits. We do want to promote the benefit before we promote features of our products or services. Features can help establish credibility with your customer. Benefits can sell them on your product or service.

Your potential customers are asking themselves one question and not really know they are asking it.

Check out the video above for more information on this game-changing sales and marketing advice mindset …

This strategy should be part of your everyday business activity.

Be sure to check out my free eBook 66 Recession Busting & Sales Growth Ideas…

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