Author: Bill

Ready for an Economic Downturn in the Commercial Construction Building Biz?

Will there be an economic downturn in the commercial construction biz? Here’s a link to a good article on the trends in the commercial construction business. Like a lot of prognosticators and writers, this article believes the industry is in for a downturn this year (2023.) Economic headwinds and banking/credit problems is the leading indicator […]

2023 Construction Industry Outlook

Here’s a nice article by Deloitte outlining the 2023 construction industry outlook. Some of it is obvious to the causal observer, but it’s good to pay attention for all of us… Overall they are saying increased supply chain issues and extended lead times. I think we are all trying to figure this phenomenon out […]

Trend is Flatter More Agile Organizations

With my clients, I am seeing a trend for organizations to be flatter and more agile. Adapting to the quickly changing business environments is becoming ever more critical. Have you looked at your organizational structure to make sure you can adapt better? The company I helped grow to $13,000,000 in three years was set up […]

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is Getting More Competitive

Check out this article in Yahoo Financial news about Google’s stock drop because of more competition in the artificial intelligence world. Have you looked into how artificial intelligence might be able to help you with your business? Look for my announcement in coming weeks on an incredible artificial intelligence product to help with sales […]

Step 1: This is Probably the Most Critical Step in Your Sales Growth!…

Build the Amazing Foundation of Your Future Sales on Attracting the Right Customers, Not the Easiest Customers! It’s Your Choice to Make Right Now! What business or consumer is your perfect customer? If you haven’t asked yourself this question over and over and have a clear image and deep understanding of this ideal customer, you […]

Mixed Commercial Construction Industry Trends / News Forecast

News in general is crazy. Trends are apparent. The commercial construction industry trends and news is no different than the rest of business news these days. I think our intuition tells us so. Commercial Construction news is certainly confusing at best but the trends I see tell me the road will be rocky in future […]

Stop Hiring Sales People as Your Sales Strategy

Your Company’s Successful Growth and Exit Strategy Quite Possibly Depends on This Simple Sales Concept. This “Concept” Was Probably the Single Most Important Strategy to Help Me, Help a Start-Up Entrepreneur Grow a B2B Business from Zero to Over $13,000,000 in Sales in 3 Years! Below Are The (7) Keys to Build an Automated, Hands-Free, […]

Build an Automated Sales Machine

The Sales Revolution Solution..An Automated Sales Machine Create a lead and sales automated machine spitting out relationship buyers week after week, all year long. We’ve all seen attractive sales and marketing funnel graphics over the years. Yes, it seems like a graphic designers dream to create these, but I will tell you they work if […]

Three (3) Reasons You Shouldn’t Use Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing or sales strategy is not for some people and businesses. It can be a waste of time and money. The reasons I discourage some people from using this tool in growing their business may be different than you think. Don’t get me wrong, I believe all businesses can benefit from this target […]