Three (3) Reasons You Shouldn’t Use Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing or sales strategy is not for some people and businesses. It can be a waste of time and money. The reasons I discourage some people from using this tool in growing their business may be different than you think. Don’t get me wrong, I believe all businesses can benefit from this target rich media. This technology has made it much easier to reach your target market. But it is also more complicated and tougher to manage than old-school traditional media.

But some people and business might be better off leaving their marketing to a social media marketing agency (like me.)

Don’t bother trying this strategy yourself if…

1)         You can’t stand writing in a conversational style. Or you are not willing to delegate the task to someone on your staff or hire an outside contractor.

Quality engagement with your fans is critical.

2)         You do not have a detailed marketing plan and a defined unique selling proposition. Your efforts should be directly tied to a concise and compelling message. If not, you will be aimlessly searching for something that will increase your fan base and turn these fans into buying customers or raving fans if you use your strategy to influence the influencers selling your products.

3)         You flat out don’t have the time, or don’t want to commit the resources to a comprehensive social media marketing plan.

It takes time to have a successful campaign. It takes proper planning. It takes a concerted effort to turn your efforts into leads and sales.. If it were easy, everyone would be making a ton of money in social media. Most people don’t. Sometimes it seem only the social media marketing agency or services are the people making money. Done right, you can make this work for your business growth.

So, will you be a success in sales and marketing or not even jump into the game?

Social Media Marketing
Social Media Marketing

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